About Me
Past, Present and Future of Telephones

Hello, my name is Clarissa Cummins. Welcome to my website about the past, present and future of telephones. When I was a young girl, the telephone was the central point of the household. Everyone would hop up to answer the phone when it rang in hopes of talking to friends and family. Phone have evolved from a static feature in homes to portable devices in nearly every pocket or purse. On this website, I hope to explore the past and present state of telephones and discuss technological advances as they occur. I invite you to visit my site regularly to learn more about telephones.


Reasons You Need a Business Phone System

10 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Proper communication with your clients and employees is essential for the success of your business. While there are multiple ways of communicating, such as email, consider getting a business phone system. Different systems exist, including traditional PBX and modern VoIP systems that convey voice signals via the internet in data packets. Each system has its pros and coupons, and you need to understand them to choose wisely. Here are the reasons for hiring business phone installation services. Read More …