Surveillance Systems And Home Computers Offer Great Flexibility

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Surveillance Systems And Home Computers Offer Great Flexibility

9 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you can handle a computer well enough to install and modify programs, you can do a lot with a set of surveillance cameras. From storing video in easy to access locations to delivering online video from your camera systems, the benefits of a camera and computer connection cannot be denied. Here is an overview of the features, along with a few risks to make sure you're up to the surveillance system setup task:

Connecting Surveillance Cameras To Computers

Most modern surveillance cameras will have some sort of standardized video input. This means that the video feed coming from the camera will work on most modern, expected types of displays, and computers are one of many normal displays.

Your main concern is getting the right type of connector. Most computers will use one or more of the following standards:

  • HDMI
  • DVI
  • VGA
  • S-Video

Surveillance cameras, on the other hand, have a few other common standards in addition to the computer-matching standards:

  • RGB
  • Composite
  • Component

Your main concern should be either getting a set of cameras that match your computer's connection type or making sure that you get a working adapter. Adapters will allow you to connect a given, different plug to something that your computer can use, although this sometimes happens with quality loss or connection issues.

If in doubt, contact a surveillance camera professional to figure out the best ways to connect your cameras, or contact the manufacturer if you have some industry-specific technology questions.

Controlling Your Video Output

With surveillance cameras connected, the result can go anywhere you want. You could save the video on your computer, send the video feed to security monitors, stream the video across the internet, or a wealth of other options. You can even combine many of these options for use at the same time.

Keep in mind that any surveillance system can be tapped into if you're not careful. With the surveillance cameras alone, the biggest threat is someone splicing the cables and sending the output somewhere else. When you put a computer into the mix, a few unique risks appear.

Someone could hack into your computer and view or steal the videos. If you're displaying the video cameras on the internet and want it to be private, there's always a chance for your online account to be hacked. For surveillance system with built-in network options, a person who has access to your passwords (or if you left the default password in place) can control your cameras from their computer.

The key is to know what you have a connection and know how to disconnect your system safely. There are ways to view strange connections on your network for personal action, or to submit suspicious connections to network security professionals. For private video views, never assume that your connection is truly private unless you own the website and can see who connects. Anything below pure ownership is trust that can't be validated 100%.

Contact a surveillance camera systems professional to discuss other ways to use surveillance cameras to protect your best interests. Contact a company like Enhanced Telecommunications and Data for more information and assistance.